Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I am in 2nd grade my family does homeschool but 1 does not ???????? Jesse!

Jesse brings something home from school everyday.  We always want to see what color he gets. Red is really really bad.  Orange is a bit better than red.  Yellow is better than both of those.  Green is a good one compared to red.  Blue is almost to the top and then it is purple, which is second to best and then pink is the best of the best.  

In our group school we learn about ancient Egypt and how the pyramids were made and about the youngest ruler, King Tut.  We read the Bible everyday so we can be more like God.  My favorite story in school that we have learned about is Joseph.  When he was in prison, he prayed to God.  He eventually got out of jail and became the 2nd in command of the whole Egypt. He stored up grain for the starving people and everyone was filled up because before there were 7 years of famine, there were plenty of crops to grow.  The Nile River overflowed once every year for those years.  That made it time to plant the seeds.  Some crops they grew were wheat, barley, grapes, dates and figs.  They made the barley into bread. 

Below is a picture of barley: